Agnes Scott College - Decatur, Georgia

Agnes Scott College Brombaugh Organ

Agnes Scott College Brombaugh Organ

In 2007, we were contracted by Agnes Scott College upon the recommendation of their organ professor and chair of the music department Dr Calvert Johnson, to relocate their John Brombaugh and Associates Opus 31d pipe organ. The organ was originally located in a chapel on campus and subsiquently placed in a recital hall. With the construction of a new chapel on campus, the desire was to relocate this fine, small pipe organ to the new chapel. This new location for the organ will require a new enclosure for the blower, as well as a new platform for the organ to sit upon.

It is indeed an honor to have been considered to assist the college in this project, and in the care of their fine pipe organs.

John Brombaugh & Associates Opus 31d

Manual 48 notes C, D-c3

(The Praestant 4', Octave 2' and Mixture III stops have a half-stop in the stop control action so these stops (individually) are playable in their treble from c#' upwards without sounding in the bass range to facilitate performance of a significant amount of 2 manual service music.)

8' Gedackt

4' Prestant

4' Flute

2' Octave

III Mixture

Pedal 26 notes; C, D-d1

16' Subbass (transmission from Manual)

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